Friday, March 29, 2013

Owning your Flow

What do you think about energy?  Specifically your energy?

What are your thoughts about the subtle energy system of Chakras? 

Do you think if you had an understanding of your energetic self that you could shift your life experiences to be filled with more grace and flow?  

Carol Tuttle's dynamic and compassionate teaching ability demonstrates that she most certainly has a few ideas and healing directions for you. I have included a video that is part of a sales page  tool for Carol Tuttle's chakra system.  However, there is so much information in this eight minute video that I highly recommend that  you watch it several times.  You may be delighted to find that every time you re-visit the video there is another gem waiting for you in her garden of information. 

The  video on this posting is one in a group of seven that fulfill an overall view of the chakras from Carol Tuttle.

The most obvious gift to  take away  from this video  about the root chakra or the first chakra is that the energizing color for this chakra is red.   Carol also shares that one of the healing techniques for this chakra to open is to stamp your feet.

I know it's easy to sit and listen and watch, but in this offering consider being available to actually take the action that she suggests. 

I am really enjoying soaking up all this subtle energy information. I find it facilitates a creative process for an inner exploration of me.  There is just a gentle feeling of listening and that is the only requirement on my part.  

The set up for this video is as follows:

Are your Chakras open or closed?

Root Chakra is responsible for your career, money mindset and sense of belonging.  If it is blocked you are stuck in a unfulfilling and unrewarding career, you never seem to have enough money - which leaves you worried and in debt.
Spending money is a harrowing experience for you as you doubt your ability to budget effectively.  You suffer from weight or body issues, which leave you feeling unworthy and uncomfortable in your own skin.  

Root Chakra Opening Techniques ~ Chakra Healing with Carol Tuttle.

Have a beautiful day.

Remember to breathe.

Photo:  PKM



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