Friday, April 22, 2011

Fun sayings, positive affirmations and powerful quotes:

I was a fantastic student until I was ten, and then my mind began to wander.

~Grace Paley
American writer

If truth is beauty, how come no one has their hair done in a library?

~Lily Tomlin
American actress & comedienne

A private railroad car is not an acquired taste. One takes to it immediately.

~Eleanor R. (Mrs. August) Belmont (1879-1979)
English actress and philanthropist

This is one of my favorite
positive affirmations statements:

If there was a particular house you wanted, or a particular relationship or job you wanted, and you didn't get it, the Universe is telling you that it was not good enough and did not match your dream. It is also telling you that it has something BETTER and more worthy of you. Something better is coming . . . you're allowed to be excited

~Rhonda Byrne

Here is an excerpt from
Deepak Chopra M.D. book, Creating Affluence
~Wealth Consciousness in the Field of all possibilities:

~”F” stands for the fact that in every failure is the seed of success. In the manifestation of the material from the non-material, of the visible from the invisible, a fundamental mechanics is involved. This is the principle of feedback. Our failures are stepping-stones in the mechanics of creation, bringing us ever closer to our goals. In reality, there is no such thing as failure. What we call failure is just a mechanism through which we can learn to do things right.

Here is an excerpt from
Neale Donald Walsch book, Conversations with God:

Written as a dialogue in which Walsh asks questions and God answers….

"Does that mean I cannot ask for anything I want? Are You saying that praying for something actually pushes it away from us?"

" This is a question which has been asked through the Ages-and has been answered whenever it has been asked. Yet you have not heard the answer, or will not believe it. The question is answered again, in today’s terms, and today’s language, thusly: You will not have that for which you ask, nor can you have anything you want. This is because your very request is a statement of lack, and your saying you want a thing only works to produce that precise experience –wanting-in reality."

"The correct prayer is therefore never a prayer of supplication, but a prayer of gratitude. When you thank God in advance for that which you choose to experience in your reality, you, in effect, acknowledge that it is there. . . in effect. Thankfulness is thus the most powerful statement to God; an affirmation that even before you ask, I have answered. Therefore never supplicate. Appreciate."

Have a beautiful day,

Photo: ‘happy Easter’ PKM



Thursday, April 21, 2011

The unique gift of Dawna Markova

I am a great admirer of writers that evoke an interest that will not let us leave their pages of written thoughts. That is what the unique gift of Dawna Markova’s voice does for me.

Dawna Markova Ph.D is a psychotherapist internationally known for her groundbreaking work in helping people learn with passion and live on purpose.

You can visit her through the website:

I can vaguely remember how I first acquired her book; I will not die an unlived life. It travelled in the trunk of my car for about a year, and then on a spring clean out made its way to my bookshelf. I originally picked it up off an offering table in the building I was working in and it was garbage bound, as it had been there for days. I remember picking it up and thinking what a cool title it had, but caught myself thinking: If it's so good what is it doing on the go to garbage table. I quickly glanced in the front jacket and saw the second hand price of $2.99, and for whatever reason tucked it under my arm since no one else wanted it, and claimed it as mine.

I count it as one of my best and favorite treasure reads. Dawna’s writing is like poetry, which is what you are treated to on the first page of Chapter 1.

~Living Wide Open:

Landscapes of the Mind~

I will not die an unlived life.

I will not live in fear

of falling or catching fire.

I choose to inhabit my days,

to allow my living to open me,

to make me less afraid,

more accessible,

to loosen my heart

until it becomes a wing,

a torch, a promise.

I choose to risk my significance,

to live so that which came to me as seed

goes to the next as blossom,

and that which came to me as blossom,

goes on as fruit.

This is an excerpt from Chapter 9, The Spot of Grace:

What’s unfinished for you to give? In the thousands of moments that string together to make up our lives, there are some where time seems to change its shape and a certain light falls across our ordinary path. We stop searching for purpose, we become it. Looking back, we might describe these moments as times when we were at our best, when the gifts we were born with and the talents we have developed were braided with what we love and the needs of the world.

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”


This is an excerpt from Chapter 14: What Have I Been Given with Which to Give?

What are your inner gifts and talents? Most of us are reasonably articulate about our deficits and weaknesses-how many we got wrong on our spelling tests, how many things we have failed to accomplish during any given day. We become fluent at explaining our incompetencies, but look straight at our gifts and talents and then mutter, “Oh, that old thing?” This leaves us awkward and confused about how to bring our assets and resources to the rest of the community. Too many of us believe we don’t matter, and that what we do doesn’t really make a difference.

“While you have a thing it can be taken from you… but when you give it, no robber can take it from you. It will be yours always.”


Have a beautiful day,

Photo: 'lift your eyes up' PKM



Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Inspirational charms, N.L.P. and Oprah

Oprah mentioned most recently on her show that it is important to start the conversation in our communities to engage the thought of being “your” authentic self. The guests that Oprah mainly highlights are making broad strokes in the humanitarian arena. This can be a little intimidating, when you then ask what you yourself can do to contribute to a world of peace.
I feel it can be something as small and useful as a Neuro Linguistic Programming technique of anchoring the positive message of inspirational charms into your daily thought patterns.

This is how anchoring works; you repeat the inspirational message several times out loud while touching your charm. Thereafter, when you touch or glance at it, you receive the positive benefit without having to repeat the inspirational charms message.

N.L.P. was created to allow new ways of understanding how verbal and non verbal communication affect the human brain.

I have noticed that some very successful business leaders, authors and healers have been trained in N.L.P. (neuro linguistic programming). Michael Losier who penned the book The Law of Attraction is an amazing author as well as a N.L.P. practitioner.

The many books he has authored are available in dozens of different languages, and he is a highly celebrated writer. Oprah spoke with him on her XM radio in 2007 and I have attached the link for your convenience to listen to it.

Michael Losier is such a wonderful inspiration and when you visit his site there is a section highlighted: Michael’s popular articles: I chose the following for you to

~“How Often Each Day Should I Read or Say My Desire Statement”~

The purpose of the Desire Statement is to support you in giving attention, energy and focus to your newly birthed desire. It teaches you how to add language to your desires so that they feel good. The key to the Desire Statement is it needs to be TRUE for you. You'll notice that one of the recommended sentences is "I love how it feels knowing...." Using this sentence allows you to state your desire in a way that makes it true for you. When it is true for you, you send out a positive vibration. It’s not a matter of how often you read or say your Desire Statement each day. Your goal is to give your desire positive attention, knowing that as you do that you are sending out a positive vibration.

Once you create a Desire Statement, you have completed step 1 and 2 of the three-step Law of Attraction formula. Now your work is to Allow. Spend most of your time and energy there. Keep finding proof that you are manifesting something that is in alignment to your desire. When you celebrate and acknowledge something you have manifested, this proof helps remove the doubt and negative vibrations that prevent you from receiving your desire.

In short, it’s not about how often you do each step of the Law of Attraction formula. The key point is to send out or offer a positive vibration with respect to your desire. Identify what you want, give positive attention, energy and focus to it, and remove the doubt and negative vibration you may be sending by celebrating proof as you find it.

Michael Losier, a Law of Attraction Trainer and author, supports people in understanding and practicing the Art of Deliberate Attraction, so they can have more of what they want and less of what they don't. Michael has been applying the principles of Law of Attraction for many years and enjoys a wonderful and rewarding life in the city of Victoria, BC, Canada. He facilitates a number of in-person Law of Attraction seminars as well as Teleseminars to a worldwide audience.

For more articles by Michael Losier, Teleclass information or to purchase the book, Law of Attraction, The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't, visit .

©Michael Losier 2005 - 2010.

Have a beautiful day,

Photo: PKM

